Puppy Application

E-Mail Address:
Phone Number:*
Questions for you
Are you familiar with the Portuguese Water Dog breed?
Why do you think a PWD is the breed of dog for you?
Have you ever owned a PWD before?
Are you looking for a
Do you have a dog now in your home?
If so is your dog a
What sex are you looking for ?
What type of coat do you prefer?
What is the most important thing you are looking for in a puppy?
What are the main reasons for purchasing a PWD puppy:
Are all member of the family ready for a new dog?
Will you be making any major changes in your lifestyle in next year?
Does anyone in your home have allergies?
Do you live in a:
Do you own or rent where you presently reside?
If you rent have you discussed having a dog with your current landlord?
Please provide your landlords name and phone number.
Do you have a yard completely fenced with secure fencing?
Do you currently own any other pets?
Do you have children in the home?
Would someone be home with the dog during the day?
If no one is going to be home during the day please explain who will be caring for the puppy?
Are you willing to crate train your new puppy?
Are you willing to take your puppy to puppy socialization classes and then on to obedience classes?
If this puppy is purchased as a family companion and not going to be bred, do you agree to have it spayed or neutered and submit a veterinarian certificate to the breeder.
Are you willing to contact us and keep us informed of any problems that may develop with the puppy throughout its' entire lifetime?
Are you willing to take send us updates and photos periodically?
Are you willing to allow the breeder or a friend of the breeder into your home for a visit to see how the puppy has adjusted to its new home?
Have you ever had to euthanize a puppy or dog other than for old age? If so, please explain:

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LKPro.com, Inc. Buffalo, NY